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2020 ACPN ACES & PIES Awards for Data Content Excellence

Why the Auto Care™ ACPN conference is important to the automotive aftermarket – Because #datamatters

PDM is a proud sponsor of the 2020 Automotive Content Professionals Network (ACPN) Knowledge Exchange Virtual Conference. As the name implies, the conference is an important “knowledge exchange” of data technology and techniques you can implement today to help improve sales and communication with your business partners.  The record number of 800+ attendees ranged from content professionals, sales and marketing managers, buyers and category managers, and executives, all taking the time to learn about new technologies and techniques to help their companies today to sell more products, reduce costs and improve efficiencies. Over the course of 3-days, there were keynote speakers, break out sessions, Auto Care™ industry updates, and audience interaction, all offered for FREE to anyone wanting to learn more about product and industry data best practices.  Below are just a few of PDM’s staff favorite picks from the 3-day conference.


Auto Care™ 2020 ACPN Knowledge Exchange Virtual Conference Day 3 – It’s a Wrap!

Thank you to the Breakout Session speakers, Carl Cross at Brake Parts, Inc. and Matt Fowler Director of Sales Snap36.  Your presentations and group interactions were helpful to understand the essential tools needed for a complete data management toolbox and how to create a digital product content strategy.  Both topics can help all of us improve efficiency, costs, and most importantly sales.

Some of our favorite topics today:
  • Find your single source of truth – it will help to understand your company’s existing process and how automation will help achieve goals.
  • The most debated question in the ACPN Conference App today: What is the best Sci-Fi movie ever made? We think it will be debated until the 2021 ACPN Conference.
  • What department do product data managers work in your organization: Marketing, Sales, IT or do they exist for all departments?
  • Why is digital content important? According to a recent Internet Retailer Report, “75% of consumers listed the quality of product images as the most important feature when shopping online.”  Customers can touch the product without going to the store.
  • Auto Care™ provides Best Practices not only for ACES & PIES but also for Digital Assets.
  • According to Frost & Sullivan, “By 2020, customer experience, is expected to overtake price and product as a key brand differentiator.”
Congratulations to the 2020 ACPN 2020 Receiver Choice Awards: DRIV Monroe, Standard Motor Products, Inc (SMP), Melling Engine Parts, NGK Spark Plugs, Dana, Dorman, Raybestos
Special Shout Out to  John Cerveny, MagnaFlow, Will South, WSJ Group & Alicia Uribe, Parker for earning your ACP designation.  Congratulations on all of your hardwork!
2021 ACPN Knowledge Exchange dates announced: May 2-5, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in person next year!
Our favorite quote of the day “The  ACPN app is where all the cool kids hang!” We couldn’t agree more Shawn Bird, AutoNetTV.  We are honored to be a part of the ACPN 2020 Knowledge Exchange Conference!

Auto Care™ 2020 ACPN Knowledge Exchange Virtual Conference Day 2 – “And the ACES & PIES Award Goes to…”

Congratulations Cardone for winning both small & medium application categories and Delphi for winning the large application category for the 2020 ACPN Data Content Excellence in ACES &  PIES.
Congratulations Spectra Premium, Brembo, and SMP for winning the Web-Based Catalog Awards.
Congratulations Parts Authority, PartsTech, and WHI for winning the CCPN Installers Choice Award.
Thank you to Keynote speakers, Doug Wiggin – Director Software Architecture & Chairman of the Technology Standards Committee Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance; Jim Smith – Senior Director, Standards Auto Care™ Association; Jason Riegel – Director of Americas Product Content for the Motorparts Division & TSC Vice-Chair, DRiV, Inc; Evaristo Garcia – Founder Integrate Data Facts (IDF); Joe Thomas – Manager Automotive Solutions Syndigo; Ryan Bachman – Principal Endless Technologies; Matthew Marsh – Director, Electronic Catalog FleetPride.  Some of our staff favorite picks from today:
  • Everyone loves an award ceremony! Congratulations to all of the winners!
  • The Auto Care™ VIP (Vehicle Information Portal) is your gateway to all Auto Care™ standards.
  • More companies are embracing data excellence and industry standards.
  • This is the 23rd year anniversary for industry standards – Longer than the smartphone.
  • ACES & PIES have gone global! – Chile, Colombia & Mexico already using industry standards with Argentina & Brazil launching this summer.
  • Tackle data like the Terminator in The Rise of the Machines not The Resistance to Change. How humans and machines can work together.
  • Drake said NO to free form text. Be like Drake and use standardized attributes & ditch notes.

Auto Care™ 2020 ACPN Knowledge Exchange Virtual Conference Day 1 is in the books! Learn PDM Staff’s favorite top picks.

Thank you to Keynote speakers, Bill Hanvey, President & CEO, Auto Care Association, Mark Boyadjis Global Technology Lead for IHS Markit, Krister Kittelson, Database Administrator for Brake Parts Inc. alongside Scott Addie, Senior Content Developer for Microsoft, Eric Lough Director of Data Management at PartsTech and of course, Luke Smith, ACPN Chairman and IT Director for Momentum USA. Some of our team’s favorite key takeaways from today’s presentations:
  • Three key industry elements:  Vehicle Data, Industry Data, and Product Data – Because #datamatters
  • Unlock the potential of your product data – The importance for catalog data to integrate across departments
  • Check out Auto Care TrendLens – interactive industry insights at your fingertips
  • Auto Care Demand Index – how does your company compare to industry trends
  • Unilink™ – Identify, Reach, and Connect
  • Steps you can take now to prepare your data and company for real-time product data and automated services
  • How to become machine-actionable and what you can do to be a data advocate for your company. You will be a hero!
  • What is API and why is it important?
  • Be the Buffalo who heads into the digital storm of disruption
  • Luke Smith is a big Sci-Fi fan!
Thank you Auto Care and ACPN staff & volunteers for all you do to elevate the importance of data in our industry.  If we don’t embrace the change, we will be overtaken by the disruption.

ACPN Offering “Connect, Share and Win with the App” for the upcoming 2020 ACPN Knowledge Exchange Virtual Conference

Stay connected during the conference, to message attendees, interact in the activity stream, and view the conference agenda, sponsors, and exhibitor directory.  Additionally, the conference app will be used to announce daily the winners of the daily sponsored Coffe Break Raffles. Visit the app store on your mobile device to download the “Auto Care Events” app and looks other “2020 ACPN” event. Please click here to register for this FREE event. To learn more about how PDM can help you achieve ACPN Data Content Excellence email us at

PDM Selected as Data Assessment Partner for the 2020 ACPN Content Excellence Awards

PDM is honored to be selected for the second year in a row, as the volunteer data assessment partner for the upcoming 2020 ACPN Data Content Excellence award in the category ACES & PIES data. The Automotive Content Professionals Network (ACPN) recognizes a single company in each of the three categories ranked by data size (small – 10k to 49,999k applications medium – 50k to 250k applications, large – Over 250k applications) for earning best in class ACES & PIES data content. As the 2020 ACPN data assessment partner, PDM processes and analyzes all data submissions based on ACPN ACES & PIES data judging guidelines. PDM’s integrated validation technology produces a scorecard for the judges to review. The 2020 ACPN Data Excellence Awards winners will be announced during the 2020 ACPN Knowledge exchange Virtual Conference, May 4-6, 2020. Please click here to register for this FREE event. To learn more about how PDM can help you achieve ACPN Data Content Excellence email us at

Last Chance to enter 2020 ACPN Content Excellence Award!

Submission Deadline: Monday, Jan. 27, 2020 Don’t miss an opportunity to be awarded one of the prestigious ACPN Content Excellence Awards!

The ACPN Content Excellence Awards recognize the best examples of product content in the auto care industry. Each year, committee members and ACPN community members volunteer their time to judge and select the best-in-class winners from dozens of entries, which are announced and recognized at the Annual ACPN Knowledge Exchange Conference. This year’s conference will be May 3-6, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle, in Seattle, WA. The 2020 ACPN Content Excellence Awards will be presented in the following categories:
  • Web-Based Catalogs
  • ACES and PIES Data
  • CCPN Installer’s Choice *NEW*
  • Receiver’s Choice (No Submission Required)
*NEW* for 2020 is the CCPN Installer’s Choice Award, presented by the Car Care Professionals Network (CCPN) in conjunction with the Automotive Content Professionals Network (ACPN) Content Excellence Awards. This category is for business-to-business systems that are either web-based or client-side install (app) supported, which support business transactions. PDM is honored to be selected as a judging partner with the ACPN for the ACES & PIES Data category.  #finallygreatdata #pdmautomotive #datamatters

For more information about the awards, including criteria, eligibility and how to apply, follow the link below. (Click on “Awards” tab)

Information Packet: Click here

Submission Deadline: Jan. 27, 2020

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